Honestly I Believe

My head is screaming now.

My summer this year will only last 3 days.

But I am oddly very happy about that. These last weeks have been stressful in a way I have never experienced. But the fact that I beat them and pulled more effort out of me than I ever have before makes me feel better. Even if we don’t pass, we couldn’t have done better, we couldn’t have tried harder.

People go through millions of challenges in their life. A few always stand out.

Sometimes you can’t always succeed in the way you wanted to.
Sometimes you make mistakes and fail.
Sometimes you succeed more than you ever thought you would.
Sometimes you do better than expected.

I have gone through worse than these last few weeks. Much worse.
I’ve messed up, I’ve come out on top.
I’ve learned from it, and became a better person because of it.

We grow like trees reaching for the sun, reaching for our warmth.
Our life comes from our roots. They make us strong.
Our roots are in our memories; they are a part of us.

Take a breath. Hold it in. Give it back. Give back more than you took.

Don’t wait for tomorrow’s.
Don’t hesitate for today.
Don’t regret your past.

Time for me to grow older.
Time for me to grow bolder.
Not too fast though.
Not too fast.

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